Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Inherent Nature of the Blog

Winner's Circle is a blog for friends following the Calgon story. It is a short story with only 7 chapters in all. I will include illustrations as they appear in the actual publication when possible. Because of the inherent nature of blogs in general, the story will be posted from start to finish but the reader would be obliged to open the older postings beginning on April 7th and then proceed with the next chapter on the following day. Suffice it to say this is not the best format for sharing but let's give it a try anyway.

I am going to break the continuity of When Calgon Won't Take You Away today to offer up a sweet poem I wrote for a dear friend at his request which we like to refer to as the Mayberry poem - - -

The Nature of Your Child
This dirt road goes
Down to our pond.
Come along,
Scoot on down with me
Where the path
Widens into a landing
For the row boats
On the water beyond.
There is where my
Young son and I
Can be found fishing
Most all afternoons.
I do not count on
Bringing home a single
Fish, not for worms
Or jigs festooned.
Well I welcome you
To try your luck.
Hope you catch a load.
The fish weren't biting?
Who really cares?
When you have brought
Home with you a
Better understanding of
The nature of your child.

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